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2024-12-14 07:39:52

The A50 futures index has increased by 2.5%~3.0% today, so don't be afraid! You have to eat meat if you cash it.The A50 futures index has increased by 2.5%~3.0% today, so don't be afraid! You have to eat meat if you cash it.

Are you still scared now? Is this low-fried comfortable? Since I dare to say that the futures index A50 has seen a rise of 2.0%~2.5%, am I kidding? hahahahaAre you still scared now? Is this low-fried comfortable? Since I dare to say that the futures index A50 has seen a rise of 2.0%~2.5%, am I kidding? hahahahaSolemnly declare: this graphic only represents God's will _NICAI's personal views at that time, and the discussion involved is for discussion only, which does not constitute any investment advice, and the stock market is risky!

Solemnly declare: this graphic only represents God's will _NICAI's personal views at that time, and the discussion involved is for discussion only, which does not constitute any investment advice, and the stock market is risky!Solemnly declare: this graphic only represents God's will _NICAI's personal views at that time, and the discussion involved is for discussion only, which does not constitute any investment advice, and the stock market is risky!

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